Timothy Bert, M.D.

Orthopaedic Surgeon

Specialist in Sports Medicine and Hip Arthroscopy

Healthcare News

  • Mayo Clinic Minute: What is hip preservation?

    Hip issues are often thought of as an older person's problem. But the truth is, hip issues can be present at birth. While some of these conditions are caught and corrected early, not all are.

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  • Self-Myofascial Release Techniques for Neck and Shoulders

    Self-myofascial release (SMR) is a technique used to manipulate the muscles used during an exercise program or for physical therapy reasons. It typically involves the use of foam rollers, balls, or other tools to help boost sports performance, reduce pain, or improve general fitness.

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  • Causes of Pain Between the Shoulder Blades

    Upper back pain between the shoulder blades has many causes, including muscle strain, herniated discs, arthritis, or, less often, a serious health problem. Treatment for pain between the shoulder blades depends on the cause but frequently includes stretching and medications for pain.

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  • What Is Iliopsoas Bursitis?

    Iliopsoas bursitis, also called hip bursitis, is inflammation of the iliopsoas bursa. This bursa is a large fluid-filled sac found under the iliopsoas muscle, which supports hip movement. The iliopsoas bursa provides cushion for tendons, ligaments, and muscles to prevent friction during movement.

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  • 8 Exercises to Stretch and Strengthen Your Psoas Muscle

    Your psoas muscle is one of your hip flexors that lifts your thigh. When this muscle is too tight or weak, it can result in muscle imbalances that cause pain or hinder your ability to walk. Learn more about the role of the psoas muscle and exercises to stretch and strengthen it.

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  • Kids Specializing in One Sport More at Risk for Injury and Burnout, Experts Say

    The type of workout you do, and how your body gets its energy to fuel that movement, helps define these different forms of exercise.

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  • 10 Exercises to Help Relieve Knee Pain

    Gentle stretching and other low impact exercises can strengthen the muscles that support your knee joint. Start by stretching your heel, calf, quadriceps, and hamstrings, and work up to half squats, calf raises, and other leg lift variations.

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  • Sleep can give athletes an edge over competitors, but few recognize how fundamental sleep is to performance

    A healthy sleep pattern can be a stealthy game plan for athletes to gain an edge over their opponents. Only a few top elite athletes know the secret of early bedtimes for optimal performance.

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  • How to strengthen your knee

    While it may be tempting to avoid exercise when knee pain occurs, this is not always the appropriate solution. Certain types of exercise can help alleviate existing knee pain and prevent future pain or injury by providing the knee with extra support.

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  • Arthroscopic Hip Labral Repair Using Needle Arthroscopic Visualization

    Hip arthroscopy has become increasingly popular in recent years and continues to grow as techniques and understanding of hip arthroscopy evolve. Needle hip arthroscopy is emerging as a technique that can offer potential advantages compared with a traditional arthroscope.

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